- Pixels
Friday 21 May 2010
via dailymotion.com
- Car use down, but we still want to build freeways.
Friday 21 May 2010
Professor Newman [advisor to the Federal Government’s Infrastructure Australia fund] said car use in Australian cities had declined in the past five years.
- Cannonball
Tuesday 18 May 2010
via vimeo.com
From the site: “Some of them are full of black water.
- Name ONE.
Thursday 13 May 2010
These sorts of issues are not uncommon with public transport smartcard ticketing systems around the world.
- My "Avatar" review
Wednesday 12 May 2010
Took me a little while to write this one, because I was a bit torn.
- Japanese spa tricks
Monday 10 May 2010
via youtube.com
I have no idea what the Japanese text is saying, but you don’t have to know.
- No title - May 9th, 2010 2:00pm
Sunday 9 May 2010
Here come the choices:
It’s consume or be consumed.
- The Age is having a bad day
Wednesday 5 May 2010
If ever there was a car to make Aussies hate Kiwi’s even more, this is it.
- "Banksy sucks", says Philistine.
Wednesday 5 May 2010
The problem is, for every Banksy who has mastered the rudiments of stencilling and style, there are thousands of feckless youths who take delight in defacing every available substance for the sheer hell of it.
- Tim O'Reilly on money
Wednesday 5 May 2010
Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.