- Speculation
Friday 28 August 2009
ABC Fora podcasts make me think. So here’s a thought, pure and total speculation.
- Apple Approves Spotify’s Streaming Music App For iPhone
Friday 28 August 2009
Spotify’s streaming music service > has taken the world by storm with a library that rivals iTunes — about 6 million tracks — and an interface to match.
- Augmented Reality Browsers
Friday 28 August 2009
So I mean a typical example of a use case for this might be as he’s coming out of a tube stop, he doesn’t really know where he wants to go, where his friends are located.
- Cooking in your hotel room
Thursday 27 August 2009
Some guy named George Egg cooks tortellini with spinach, and English muffins in a hotel room.
- Why Punt Road Bridge is at a funny angle
Thursday 27 August 2009
Punt Road Bridge, built at a dog’s leg angle to Punt Road because a fellow who ran a one-penny punt, complete with jazz band and beer, continued his ferry where the bridge should have been built.
- Move the bloody port already
Wednesday 26 August 2009
Dredging has caused environmental damage beyond expectation at the entrance of Port Phillip Bay, with scientists reporting a biological shift in marine communities there.
- How Google Serves Data from Multiple Datacenters
Tuesday 25 August 2009
[The Google employee] does an excellent job explaining and evaluating the different options you have when architecting a system to work across multiple datacenters.
- A Vision of Students Today
Saturday 22 August 2009
via youtube.com
Dinna at @infoxchange sent me this video, created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University.
- Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad
Saturday 22 August 2009
via youtube.com
Alan Kay (himself, no slouch) presenting Ivan Sutherland’s “Sketchpad”, developed in 1963 (!
- Slow loris loves getting tickled
Saturday 22 August 2009
via youtube.com
It’s an endangered species, and it’s cute. There’s something wrong with the world.