- The scissors of attribution
Tuesday 6 May 2008
My old buddy David has [a new thing called sni.ps](http://sni.ps/) .
- Twitter Updates for 2008-05-05
Tuesday 6 May 2008
Ben Lee covered the entire “New Wave” album by Against Me!
- You’re all twits
Tuesday 6 May 2008
I’m stuck into this Twitter thing again. I’ve been twitting on and off for about a year or so now, always muttering at the poor quality of the desktop Twitter tools.
- Twitter Updates for 2008-05-04
Monday 5 May 2008
I don’t want Monday to happen again so soon. # Powered by Twitter Tools .
- A surprising Ubuntu Linux review
Tuesday 29 April 2008
This review of Ubuntu Gimpy Goanna, Jolly Jacaranda (or whatever they call it) is quite surprising.
- Gin and television
Tuesday 29 April 2008
> Did you ever see that episode of Gilligan’s Island where they almost get off the island and then Gilligan messes up and then they don’t?
- Jinx jinx double jinx!
Wednesday 16 April 2008
Not that I want to jinx it with a pre-announcement, but (pending official letter), I’ve just become a provisional Permanent Resident of this sunburnt country.
- Mobile web use in Australia
Tuesday 15 April 2008
\<!\[CDATA *The Age* tells us about the new study – sponsored by SonyEricsson and 3 Mobile – which says that [Australians steer clear of the mobile web](http://www.
- Sort of dunno nothin’
Friday 4 April 2008
This video closed out [Spicks \& Specks](http://www.abc.net.au/tv/spicksandspecks/) last night, so I just had to find it and share it with you, gentle reader.
- Sir Rod’s report, finally
Thursday 3 April 2008
Sir Rod Eddington’s report, [Meeting our Transport Challenges](http://www.doi.vic.gov.au/Doi/Internet/planningprojects.nsf/AllDocs/E195C22162760C83CA2571ED0080D1E5?OpenDocument) has been released yesterday, generating all kinds of initial reactions, like [this one from The Age](http://www.