- In the news today…
Monday 21 August 2006
Madonna comes up with a solution to rid the world of nuclear waste (what to do with all those horrid old Sean-Penn-and-Madonna films is still up in the air), and the Irish invent free energy .
- Aliens prefer Firefox
Friday 18 August 2006
Well, that explains some of the stranger DOM bugs, I suppose.
- Memory Lane
Monday 14 August 2006
Who was that guy, in the 80s, who would always be screaming “Five hunnert dolla!
- Wild eep
Friday 11 August 2006
Whenever I want some change in my staid and boring life, I re-examine my choice of system alert sound.
- Not bum-hole
Wednesday 9 August 2006
This actually happened. Names have been changed to protect the embarassed.
- Boats
Monday 31 July 2006
\[I wrote this last week, but WordPress was playing up, and I thought it ate the post.
- Newtonmania!
Monday 31 July 2006
I’ve always been a fan of the old Apple Newton PDA.
- Stop. Hammerblogtime.
Saturday 22 July 2006
Just this evening, we were listening to *U Can’t Touch This* , a true 90s classic.
- Found art
Sunday 16 July 2006
As a fan of dada and surrealism, this series of pictures my eye.
- Workers of the world, unite!
Friday 14 July 2006
Patrick sent me a very nifty series of drawings, in airplane-emergency style.