- iPhone
Friday 7 April 2006
I read an interesting article a few weeks ago, speculating on the possibility of an Apple .
- Windows: Not the New Classic
Friday 7 April 2006
The normally insightful John Gruber of *Daring Fireball* is letting is Mac fanboyism run away with him.
- The Old Town
Wednesday 5 April 2006
There’s a song by Tom Cochrane that I call my “homesick song”.
- Box jokes!
Sunday 2 April 2006
This is too good to pass up. Thanks to The Register , that posted a story about a hilarious eBay auction .
- Melbn gets pretty
Saturday 1 April 2006
Well, that’s over. The Commonwealth Games closing ceremonies were last weekend, and it’s taken me about a week to get over the acute embarrassment they caused.
- Navel-gazing for geeks
Wednesday 22 March 2006
It’s been a while since I did one of those personality test things.
- Commonwealth Games 2006 opening ceremony
Thursday 16 March 2006
Well, here we go. Lizzie II showed up and smiled a bit, Prince Phillip looked vacant, and there are a lot more tourists here now.
- Womadelaide substitution
Monday 13 March 2006
I’m not going to Womadelaide, which is unfortunate. I really like Adelaide.
- Who is cool hip and trendy
Tuesday 7 March 2006
Based on the universally accepted barometer of hipness (“Do you use an iPod”), the Pope is more clued in than UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.
- Online shopping is a bad bad thing.
Saturday 4 March 2006
I just impulse-bought a unicycle . I can’t wait to get it!