- A little black box that tells the future
Monday 14 February 2005
\<!\[CDATA *There are more things in heaven and earth … than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Colr Pickr for Flickr
Friday 11 February 2005
This is lovely! Someone’s put together a colour picker that grabs pictures from Fllickr based on their colour values.
- Attention Australian Asteriskers
Thursday 10 February 2005
If you’re in Melbourne Australia and interested in [Asterisk,](http://www.asterisk.org/) you’re invited to join us for a casual evening to talk about Asterisk, VOIP, networks, and just generally get geeky about IP phone stuff.
- Calling the black helicopter squad
Tuesday 8 February 2005
I just read an interesting, if a little conspiracy-laden article about the much-hyped Cell Processor from IBM, Sony and Toshiba.
- Back to sleep
Thursday 3 February 2005
I’ve got this lovely huge window in my bedroom, overlooking the rooftops of Prahran East.
- Science news update
Thursday 3 February 2005
As a public service for you, gentle reader, I locate disturbing trends in recent science stories and present them in such a way so that you may draw your own conclusions.
- Where was that war?
Tuesday 1 February 2005
In the course of the 20th century, mankind experienced some of the most devastating wars of all times.
- About bloody time, Steve!
Tuesday 1 February 2005
Apple has announced new PowerBooks. Eagerly anticipated by me (and probably a few other people too).
- Hot new marketing idea
Tuesday 1 February 2005
Certainly better than those damn urinal adverts, put your advertising message in a place most men are bound to glance.
- Hot suicide tip
Friday 28 January 2005
Very-bad-taste public service note: If you’re planning to kill yourself by getting hit by a train, don’t try to do it from within your huge durable American 4×4.