- Christmas and spam
Sunday 26 December 2004
A few Christmasses ago, when I was running and ISP called BOPJET, spammers ruined my Christmas.
- The amazing story of a simple application
Wednesday 22 December 2004
This is a great little story. Anyone who had one of the first PowerPC-based Macs (as I did), will remember *Graphing Calculator* , one of the coolest pieces of geek software around.
- Drinking problem solver
Wednesday 22 December 2004
\<!\[CDATA *An oldie and a goodie…* **Symptom:** Drinking fails to give taste and satisfaction, beer is unusually pale and clear.
- Toys for tickets
Tuesday 21 December 2004
In a bizarrely uncharacteristic move, Vancouver’s evil parking overlords, Impark, has announced they will cancel parking tickets in exchange for toy donations.
- The arming of Israel
Monday 20 December 2004
Around the dinner table the other night, we had a discussion of innuendo and double entendre.
- $0
Thursday 16 December 2004
Debt update, gentle reader: I don’t got none no more! As of about three hours ago, I am officially well and truly not in debt anymore.
- Oracle Night
Thursday 16 December 2004
Paul Auster writes music, symphonies even, but he uses words. is not so much a story about a writer as it is a flurry of words, themes, textures and emotions.
- Laptops as male birth control
Thursday 9 December 2004
Researchers at the State University of New York have made some interesting findings about the effects laptop use among males.
- My phone’s on vibrate for you, baby.
Thursday 9 December 2004
In a year of some [pretty good](http://jurgen.ca/archives/000214.html) [musical](http://www.kdlang.com/) finds, [new-to-me favourites](http://www.
- Drinking tea
Tuesday 7 December 2004
I got a letter today. Hand-addressed! That, in itself, is interesting and cool.