- Evil attack squirrel of death!
Tuesday 31 August 2004
This one is for [Kirsten.](http://www.kirstenmaguire.com/) > Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a slightly squirrel torn t-shirt, and only one leather glove roaring at maybe 70mph and rapidly accelerating down a quiet residential street
on one wheel and with a demonic squirrel on his back.
- Vancouver’s first deaf rave
Tuesday 31 August 2004
From Jamie of Inject comes a story in The Vancouver Sun of the city’s first deaf rave.
- Annual massive “dead zone”
Tuesday 31 August 2004
CNN delivers [this cheerful story](http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/08/04/environment.deadzone.reut/index.html) about an enormous area of the Gulf of Mexico that is so polluted that nothing at all can live in it for several months of the year.
- Brizbn
Tuesday 17 August 2004
Did I mention how cold it gets in Melbn? Apparently, Saturday was the coldest day here for 65 years.
- Chocolate Teapot Software
Monday 16 August 2004
From PerversionTracker, who seem to have hit a publishing slump of late, comes this little gem.
- Vander Zalm at a labour rally
Friday 13 August 2004
A small bit of hell got decidedly frosty the other day when two former political opponents [shared the same stage at a labour rally.
- Music plasma
Friday 13 August 2004
This is definitely cool. I’m not sure whether it’s because of the really good use of Flash, or the clever way it’s liking artists by styles – the way I did when I had a CD collection.
- DVD player profits down down down
Wednesday 11 August 2004
CNet has an [interesting article about DVD player profits](http://news.com.com/DVD+player+profits+down+to+%241/2100-1041_3-5302728.html?tag=nefd.top) being down to about $1 per machine.
- Kalashnikov MP3 player
Tuesday 10 August 2004
Witness the benefits of using a girl in a bikini to sell your product.
- Graveyard of Honour
Friday 6 August 2004
Miike Takashi tries to make a Japanese version of The Godfather and, well, fails.