Postal item awaiting collection
I just got one of those mystery parcel pickup cards in my postbox today. What could it be? Who could it be from? Not many people have my address here. Could it be a bank? They seem to like sending me things. The back of the card tells me that it’s an “Ordinary Article / Parcel”, whatever that is. There’s another tick box for “International”, so it’s going to be something from within the country.
This might be The Letter That Explains Everything. But why isn’t it just a regular letter, delivered with the rest of the post? I’ve waited for this letter with great angst and excitement since I sent my first and only love letter, nearly a month ago. Since then, there has been not a word from her. Nothing. Normally, I hear something at least once a week. I take this to be a very bad sign. But why a parcel?
Don’t tell me you don’t love me,
For I don’t want to know.
I don’t buy lottery tickets
To be rolling in the dough.
Someday, I’ll work those lines into a million-selling pop single. Until that day, they’ll be here, gathering dust and maybe the occasional eyeball.
Righto. Navelgazing over. Time to make dinner.