More icons than you can shake a stick at

These people are insane. They’ve released an icon collection of every piece of Apple hardware ever released (and some they didn’t). If there’s anything missing, I can’t think of it – and this is coming from someone who at one point in time could recite every Mac that was ever released. Yeah, so geeky. I’m past that now.
Pictured here is one of the best portable portable computers I’ve ever owned – the PowerBook 2400c. Designed by IBM Japan, released by Apple for the Japanese market. Only after they realised that people in North America were paying to have them shipped over the ocean, did they finally release it to the North American market (this was during one of Apple’s “stupid” phases). It was tiny, it went like stink, and it was upgradable to a G3. I used mine – totally tricked out – until it literally fell apart. Sigh.