Okay, who took Lybia?

Lybia has disappeared. Someone has pulled off one of the greatest magical feats of the century. No longer content with making buildings disappear, someone has deleted an entire **country**  . Amazing stuff. *El Reg*  has [the story.](http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/04/13/libya_falls_off_net/)  I’ll be keeping an eye on this one. 

Seriously though, the Register hints at this being possibly the fault of the newly politicised IANA – if a country doesn’t agree with the IANA’s policies, will they too be deleted?

Since the article was published, Lybia’s whois information has changed, showing “ns1.magic-moments.com” as one of the countries’ top level DNS machines. (Get your minds out of the gutter, it’s a hosting company for goodness sake).

👈 The Cat in the Hat ☝️Blog threedaysinmelbn 👉