Last night, the spammer saved my life
Well, he didn’t really, but it certainly makes for a catchy entry title.
There’s nothing better than the feeling one gets from installing some little piece of software and having it work immediately. Not 30 seconds after I installed MT-Blacklist on my blog, I was spammed again. I clicked the “this is spam” link in the email I get sent, eliminated the spam from my site and added that domain to my banned list. Very slick.
On a sad note, I will miss the pithy comments that the spam engines leave left on my site. Things like:
To be poor without bitterness is easy; to be rich without arrogance is hard.
A solved puzzle is just a picture.
and the rather fatalist
Buildings burn. People die. But real love is forever.
Right. Well, I won’t be needing any penis pills, and neither will you, gentle reader, for you are either well-endowed or female, like all my friends. This is now a penis-pill-free site. Thank you for your attention.