DVD player profits down down down
CNet has an [interesting article about DVD player profits](http://news.com.com/DVD+player+profits+down+to+%241/2100-1041_3-5302728.html?tag=nefd.top) being down to about $1 per machine. They get one little thing wrong though. *The revolution in consumer electronics that was supposed to make everyone rich apparently isn’t.*
It wasn’t supposed to make everybody rich. It’s a closed, proprietary, DRM-encumbered, patented hardware system. The only people getting rich off something like that are the people who control the patents. Hardware manufacturers can go take a flying leap for all they care.
The flurry of outrage about DRM-encumbered music files (like iTunes Music Store) is a bit surprising in this context. Apple lets you copy your files a few times. DVDs are theoretically un-copyable, unless you use “illegal” software. You can’t even use DVDs purchased in one “region” of the world in any other, unless you figure out a way to hack your DVD player. DVD content restrictions make iTunes seem downright generous.