Retro techno lust

Retro techno lust
Once upon a time, Apple released the Newton MessagePad 100\. It kinda sucked. The handwriting recognition didn’t work, it was slow, and you couldn’t really **do**  much with it.

I had one. I liked it in spite of the shortcomings – until one day when it lost everything. Damn batteries. So I got rid of it. Later on, I bought a Palm III, which I still have.

Shortly after Steve Jobs came back to Apple, he killed off everything that wasn’t a Mac. Bye bye Newton. The sad irony is that the Newton platform had just come of age, and wasn’t sucking anymore. Behold, the Newton MessagePad 2100.

I kinda wanted one at the time, but I was happy enough with my little Palm III. Now, several years later, I want a 2100 again. I did something about it as well – I bid on one through eBay. So cheap. I know I’m going to be outbid, but at least I’m closer to one that I have been in the past. Maybe this time I’ll actually get one. It’s just lust, pure and simple. I wonder if there’s a way to do GPRS through Bluetooth with the thing?

👈 The Man From Kangaroo ☝️Image Weather is cool 👉