Playing catch-up!

There’s been a dramatic increase in the number of posts to jurgen dot ca lately. I know that because I’m the one who’s been doing them. I slowed down a bit there because everything else in life has been speeding up lately. **I’m looking for a house**   

No, I didn’t lose one. And yes, I know there are lots of houses all over the place. I’m looking for a particular house that we can rent for a few years. It’s gotta have a good kitchen and central heat. It’s also gotta be handy for the trams, be south of the river, have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living areas and cost less than $500.

I’m a Gentoo user

The main server at work died two weeks ago, and I’ve been frantically getting things back to normal there. When I first built it, nearly 18 months ago, RedHat was the only thing available. Robby and I did this over one weekend, and I, for one, was surprised it lasted as long as it did. This time, I did it with Gentoo 2005.0, and it took a day to be up and running again. I really like Gentoo. It’s by far the most sensible Linux distribution I’ve used. There are parts of it I prefer to FreeBSD, if you can believe that. Zut alors! Work’s also getting fairly full-on

Without getting too much into office politics, things have been pretty full-on there lately. There’s a clearing of deadwood happening, which means more work for everyone. We’ve got to start working smarter, not just harder. This means more work piled on my little IT department, and few resources with which to do this work. At least I’ve got myself a kick-butt programmer guy now (hi, Matt).

So tonight’s a bit of a catch-up. I’ll be posting stuff I saw over the past few weeks, and getting back into the habit of typing into this little box here. Thanks for sticking around, gentle reader.

👈 Review of juvenile felis catus ☝️Blog When Democracy Failed 👉