Stop the presses! Politician tells the truth!
So there’s this politician named Latham. He was the opposition leader here in Australia for a number of years. He recently retired, and went absolutely mad.
How else can you explain his new tell-all book of political memoirs, and interviews like this? I mean, you’ve got book publicity, and you’ve got book publicity .
Here’s a very interesting and insightful quote from Mr Latham:
If the Americans continue with Bush’s policies they’ll never win the war against terror. They’re bogged down in this for the rest of our lifetime, and if Iraq’s an example of how they’re going about their work, they’re never going to win that, they’re just going to maximise dissent and aggression against them.
From a US government standpoint, who says that winning the war on terror is a good thing? Prolonging it works very well: the government gets sweeping new powers; their friends get lots of tasty government contracts; the current regime keeps getting re-elected because they’re “the only ones who know how to deal with evil-doers”; the economy does relatively well; and woe-is-us news dominates the global newsmedia, leading to increased cultural imperialism. As long as they don’t get angry, a scared populace is a docile populace.