Hooray for Catholics!

You know, I didn’t think I’d ever type that. So I’m told there’s this big thing in the US now called “Intelligent Design”. Basically it says that the Bible is a scientific document, and should be taught alongside the theory of evolution in schools. The wacky right-wing fundamentalists in the US are behind this one, for sure. Looks like the whole [God hates fags](http://www.godhatesfags.com/)  thing is getting boring.

Anyway, so the Vatican (the freekin Vatican !) had a press conference the other day, in which they basically said Don’t be silly. The Bible is a religious document (“artefact”, if you will), and not a science textbook.

“The fundamentalists want to give a scientific meaning to words that had no scientific aim,” he said at a Vatican press conference. He said the real message in Genesis was that “the universe didn’t make itself and had a creator”.

So there. Thpfft. Take your “Intelligent Design” and shove it up your fundamentalist butts. Or is that too gay for you?

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