
The [Australian Open](  is starting soon here in Melbn. Normally this means absolutely nothing to me. This year, however, is different. This year they’re being sponsored by L’Oréal brand [Garnier](  . This sponsorship coincides with a huge and somewhat inescapable advertising blitz for Garnier products.

Now, every Canadian knows the correct way to pronounce a French name like Garnier is something like “GAR-nee-eh”. Canadians are a cosmopolitan lot, generally, and try to pronounce things properly. And hey, it’s French for crying out loud. Other official language, back of Corn Flakes box and all that.

So the reason why the Australian Open matters to me this year is because there are all these ads with growly voiced men and bogan women saying “GAR-nyerrr”. My delicate and sensitive ears nearly fall off! I have to affix them with duct tape! Stop it! Pronounce it properly, you twits!

And don’t even get me going on hi-YOON-die, that Korean car company.

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