Yummy beer!
Some of the best beer in the world is made by Québec\-based [Unibroue](http://www.unibroue.com/) . Two of my favourites are *Maudite* and *La Fin Du Monde* (French\-speaking people will notice a pattern to their names…). I’ve not been able to find them here in Melbourne. Even [a bar with a fantastic beer selection](http://www.lambsgobar.com.au/) didn’t stock it, even though they used to. I was resigned to the fact that I wouldn’t be able to drink it here.
Until Thursday. On Thursday, we went to see a film at the Classic Theatre . Much to my shock, there were several varieties of Unibroue beer displayed behind the counter. I was stunned. To find this beer in a theatre , of all places, made it all the more surprising. I bought two bottles to go.
A happy beer drinker A big thankyou to David Gratton for introducing me to the stuff in the first place.