One smart Guy

In the dayjob, I’m having to do more and more presentations. Here we go again. Anyway, I’ve recently started reading [Guy Kawasaki’s blog](  . For the uninitiated, he’s a former Apple Guy, and was pretty much the only one keeping the spirit alive during the dark days of the mid 90s. He lives and breathes guerilla marketing. Pretty much everything I know about getting the word out about a product or service I learnt from him.

He wrote a end-of-year blog post, and one of the things he mentioned was that his most-liked-to blog entry is one called The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint . To add fuel to the fire, I’ll link to it as well. Basically, the rule is this:

  • 10 slides maximum

  • 20 minute presentation

  • 30 point minimum font size

He’s quantifying “keep it simple, stupid”. He also lists the ten things that a venture capitalist cares about (conveniently the same number as the slides…), which I think is even more useful. You’ll have to click the link to see them, you lazy bum. The only downside is that if you show up for a face-to-face with a bunch of VCs and start in on a 10-slide prezo with the slides titled “The problem”, “Our solution” and so on, they’ll know you studied the Guy Way.

👈 New Year ☝️Blog My take on the Apple phone 👉