Yummy tasty music

Yummy tasty music
I don’t often write about it, but I’m a music addict. I buy it by the bucketloads. My iTunes library has over 44,000 songs in it. Yeah. That’s a lot. I’ve got [an account at last.fm](http://www.last.fm/user/emitflesti)  which keeps track of everything I listen to in iTunes (iPod synchronisation isn’t working so great). Anyway. I’m breaking my musical silence right now to gush about a new band that I’ve just discovered. Apparently, it’s something that other people like too, but I don’t listen to commercial radio, so I really have no idea what the trendspinners have been shoving down peoples’ throats lately. 

So the band is called Mika . Their/his new release is called Life in Cartoon Motion . I bought it 50% because of the cover, and 50% because of the really cool name. So there. It’s fantastic. It’s folky disco dancy fun happy music. Like Polyphonic Spree without the, um, something that annoys me about them.

👈 Why last February was so good ☝️Image Kellis: Plagiarist! 👉