St Kilda Junction

St Kilda Junction

Wooooooooo Frank Black and his background vocals. I will be posting iPhone stream of consciousness bits to here on my way home.

Stories and words.

I’ve thought about what I would sing on Australian Idol if given the chance. It’s always some alternahit that the powers that be warn me against doing, but I win anyway. Funny that. Here’s something cynical that I’ve learnt: it’s not always the iconoclasts who win. Amazing I know, and fairly soul-sucking in many ways, but true. However, when they do win they win big. Examples: Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein. For every winning iconoclast, there are millions of losers. The trouble with the very nature of them is that they (we?) believe that we are better and will win. It’s part of our very nature. Trouble is, we refuse to believe it. That is the basic curse and blessing.

Carry on.

👈 Starting this thing. ☝️Image PBS at Melbn Uni’s open day. 👉