Fake Steve on Google's Chrome OS

What the fuck is going on inside Google? How much more out of control and undisciplined can this place get? How many new goddamn operating systems are they going to create? They’ve already got Android, and nobody wants it. Now they’re going to make yet another operating system, this time out of a browser that nobody wants. What’s next? A Gmail-based operating system? A YouTube-based operating system? Honestly, Google, is there anyone in charge over there?

via fakesteve.blogspot.com

Again, Fake Steve saves me the trouble of typing all this myself. Please click on the link and read the rest of the article, there are some very good points in there.

It does sound like Google is reeling out of control. How many operating systems do they need? And, really, why do they need operating systems? Does the world really need yet another Linux distribution? Is anyone in there able to say “no” and redirect people into making what they have better?

And, while the article is very critical of Google, I can’t help but notice that it’s published through Blogger - which is owned by Google.

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