Give me a resident of Vancouver and I’ll give you someone who may have any> skin color you can possibly imagine but has a whole lot of experiences shared> with other residents> which I’ll spare you the cliché’d list of but include certain hockey players> and Asian cuisines and permanently-festering political issues (including both> narcotics and homelessness) and commuting options and real-estate pricing.> > > > > At the most basic possible level, all this shared experience is leading to> an intensely-shared gene pool; we’re interbreeding furiously not just in> Vancouver but pretty well everywhere in the former colonies round the Pacific.> > > > > At the end of the day, whether we’re talking food or marriage partners or> comic books or City Council, we’re all in the same restaurant eating off the same> really-big buffet, and more or less everything’s on it. Maybe it’s as simple> as just reducing friction, and here in Vancouver (and maybe ’round most of> that Pacific Rim) we’ve pretty well taken it down to zero.
I have nothing more to add to this, except that at times like this, I miss my hometown.