Getting jiggy in the community

This is about a decision I made after thinking about it for a year. Fast? Agile? Decisive? Yeah, that’s me, baby. This past weekend, I had a great time hanging out with the intelligencia and power brokers of Australia’s community radio scene at their annual convention in Hobart. Yo. (I even got on local TV looking serious using an iPad.) More on that later, but suffice it to say I ended up being livestalked by a horde of Serious Journalists. While there, I finished the thought process that had been going on for a year: I want to participate in community radio in a more official way. I want to be able to contribute in more meaningful ways than just standing in front of a BBQ on open day, working on a website and streaming platform, and being the best mate of a man who has a large cassette tape for a head. 

I want to be on the board of PBS radio. So, I spoke with their general manager, a few staff members and announcers who happened to be at the convention as well, and emailed the chairman this morning. We’re having a beverage on Thursday.

Nous sommes embarqués.

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