Still migrating the older stuff, but welcome.

Welcome to the new incarnation of blog, jurgen dot ca. We’ve been through Moveable Type, a bit of WordPress, and most recently the soon-to-be-dead Posterous. Now it’s time for Tumblr time.

To be frank, as a long-time Twitter user , I’ve never been quite sure what Tumblr is for. And now that I’m on ADN as well (with its more generous character limit), I’m less sure what this is about. But I’m here, and I’m going to learn.

Please be patient over the next few days as JustMigrate moves my 1400 (!) entries over to here, but we’re good to go. Whatever that means.

👈 Devastated ☝️Blog No title - April 7th, 2013 12:39pm 👉