The NBN will be built

While politicians argue over the cost and the mix of technologies used to deliver a national broadband network, one aspect of the infrastructure-building project has become clear since the opposition released its NBN alternative plan: both sides of politics now agree to build it.

Whoever wins election, the NBN will be built

BZZZZZT! Wrong-o.

The Labo(u)r government NBN is the real deal: replace copper with fibre. Good investment in the future. Untold billions of dollars of money flowing into the economy. A good thing.

The Coalition is going to replace a technology on its way out (DSL), running over 100-year-old copper wires, with a technology on its way out (DSL), running over 100-year-old copper wires. Not future-proof, no money flowing into the economy. A white elephant. Their cost? About 15% less than Labo(u)r’s.

I’m not a fan of Senator Conroy. I think he’s made some really asinine decisions, but this ain’t one of them.

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