- How could such a pretty city have such ugly buildings?
Tuesday 4 November 2008
- I just love watching Sensis flail about Tuesday 4 November 2008 It looks like they might have actually done the first smart thing in a long time.
- Street level
Monday 3 November 2008
- Still life at 12092m
Sunday 2 November 2008
- Dennis Quaid is here! Thursday 30 October 2008
- He forgot “etc” Thursday 30 October 2008 Riges Younan recently Twittered about an interesting article by Eric Ries entitled What does a startup CTO actually do?
- No Rudd gonna censor me.
Tuesday 28 October 2008
- Sequoia Capital and the Slideshow of Doom Tuesday 28 October 2008 Fifty-six slides , packed with a huge amount of information about the economy – mostly negative.
- I farted Tuesday 28 October 2008 , and it got me thinking about names. Names used to have meaning, over and above the person to whom they were given.
- Sandwich is so full of win.
Friday 24 October 2008